Resident Steering Group‘ meetings happen every few months. Kings Crescent residents can apply to be in the RSG and it is a chance to meet with Hackney’s Regeneration Team, architects, builders etc to discuss the plans for the next round of new buildings and refurbishment of existing blocks on the South of Kings Crescent Estate
Notes of Kings Crescent Steering Group Meeting held on 28th November 2023
Those Present: | Cllr Clare Potter (CP) (Chair)
Residents: EP, JWM, EV KH, ES, PS, RS PA, PD, KM, AF (Names removed on website version for privacy) |
In Attendance: |
Ron Greenwood (RG) Chey Brown Jane Haverson Menekse Saitoglu John Morris (minutes) (JM) Lee Walsh (LW) Vincent Raymond (VR) |
LB Hackney LB Hackney LB Hackney Source Partnership (ITLA) Source Partnership (ITLA) Mulalley Mulalley |
1.0 | Introductions and apologies | Action |
1.1 |
Apologies were received from Carol Squires |
2.0 | Notes of previous meeting held 17th April 2023 and any Matters Arising not elsewhere on the agenda | |
2.1 |
The minutes were agreed as a true record, although they were circulated several months ago. CP and JM committed to pick up any actions that were noted in April.
3.0 | Enabling works for phase 3&4 – Mulalley | |
3.1 |
LW and VR gave a presentation; slides HERE.
Questions and subsequent discussion as follows:
PA – when will the sewer problems in Weston Court be picked up? There should be information on this issue from before. VR – we need to do comprehensive surveys of all components to ascertain the extent of all potential problems.
KH – how will the height difference between old and new blocks be dealt with? VR – buildings will follow a gradient.
EV – for clarification, Casbeard St will be closed from approx. Sept 2024 onwards? VR – timings on street closure depends on response times of utilities companies. Mulalley will close the street as late as possible. Also, if there is likely to be a prolonged period of inactivity between end of prep/enabling works and start on site, Mulalley would be willing to consider a temporary re-opening of the street.
CP recorded thanks to residents for their feedback and to Mulalley for reconsidering the access route onto site.
KM – what can be done with the new hoarding? LW – Mulalley will change all the hoarding; existing has been in place for many years and there will be a new hoarding line. Mulalley very open to ideas to e.g. paint the hoarding using local young people or street artists. Easter holidays might be a good time to start to organise this.
AF – the presentation mentioned the possibility of access works from Green Lanes affecting the bus stop opposite. LW emphasised that it may be necessary to move the bus stop – not take it away – to accommodate a layby opposite on the Sainsbury’s side of the road. Mulalley will be talking to Highways about this.
PA – the tree on Murrain Rd that will need to be relocated could be planted in a space near Sainsbury’s. VR – Mulalley are flexible about where trees that need to be moved can be re-situated and it will be done after discussion with LBH and the community. VR emphasised that any relocation will be done by an experienced arboriculturist and any trees that do not need to be moved will be fully protected.
PA – is the Datchworth arch high enough for construction traffic? And will it be possible to open Queens Drive at its junction with Green Lanes so vehicles do not have to come down all the way down Queens Drive? LW – yes, there will be no problem getting appropriately sized vehicles through this point. The access to Queens Drive from Green Lanes will not be opened, although if it could be it would be very helpful. Feedback from discissions with Highways will be provided.
PD – on the same point, there will be disruption to more people with traffic approaching along Queens Drive. LW – LBH will not want to keep the gate open and it could not reasonably be overseen by a marshall/banksman who would have to open it for construction traffic while preventing all other vehicles from also driving into Queens Drive. A permanent opening here would create a rat run from Green Lanes at periods of high traffic density. However, LW committed to speaking to Highways about this and feeding back either at the next meeting or via Ron.
JWM – will there be certain times of the day when deliveries will be made to site? VR – school run times will be avoided, so traffic will be allowed access only from 8.30/9.00 a.m. and only up to approx. 3.00/3.30.
EP – what will happen to the trees on the Green Lanes/Queens Drive corner (where DZ6S will be)? VR – there are trees that will be too big to move; the machinery to do this doesn’t exist in the UK. Mulalley will carefully work around trees and have to be careful not to affect the root structures.
KM sought clarification on timelines. LW – we are about 20 weeks into the original programme for redesign and cost optimisation process. Starting enabling works now and seeking all relevant permissions during 2024 should ensure alignment with a start on site in 2025.
LW to feedback from discussion with Highways
LW to feedback from discussion with Highways
4.0 | Approach to future Social Value work with Mulalley – Source | |
4.1 |
JM – further to discussions with Mulalley and LBH, Source are keen to facilitate the formation of a residents group specifically to look at Social Value issues with Mulalley, the TRA and Hackney Showroom. This could consist of a number of residents who are not on this RSG but who have an interest in Social Value issues. CP – Councillor Adejare would like to promote any opportunities that might emerge for Parkwood School students. Other areas of interest could be: funding/resourcing the Youth Club, the hoarding decoration project, funding/support for making the allotments work better for residents. CP added the idea mooted earlier this year of establishing a memorial as part of the public realm works to residents who passed away during the covid pandemic. EV also mentioned a sustainable energy project.
Source to start work on facilitating a Social Value steering group Q1 of 2024
5.0 | ITLA update | |
5.1 |
JM – Source have continued to run monthly drop in sessions between 4.00 and 6.00 pm for any resident to call in for an update. The last one of the year will be on 12th December and will be advertised as an opportunity to see Mulalley’s proposals as presented tonight.
6.0 | Any other business | |
6.1 |
CP asked about the other workshop sessions that have been discussed for 2024. RG – once a firm programme has been agreed, it will be possible to align workshops with the relevant elements of the design/cost optimisation process. Subjects for workshops are likely to focus on play/public realm works, refurbishment details and the new community centre fit out. LW – the public realm discussions will be the first priority as this will need to be included in the minor planning amendment application and discussions could start around Easter 2024. Workshops on design modifications for the refurbishment and the new community centre might be appropriate mid to late summer 2024.
KM asked for confirmation that the planning application will be for minor amendments (S73). LW – yes. The footprint of the buildings will not change (except possibly and slightly, DZ6S), but this will impact on the need to now build a second staircase within the affected blocks.
KM – the quality of materials is also important. LW – there are budget concerns but the client wants quality maintained and Mulalley’s design team will be working closely with LBH’s design guardians.
ES asked that RSG is informed of design changes. He also requested a commentary on where savings have been made in order for residents to understand how the cost optimisation has been achieved.
RG – residents will no doubt be interested in the impact of cost optimisation on how buildings will look. A presentation on the revised designs can be provided prior to the S73 application.
KH – what is the latest thinking on programming of the refurbishment and new build? LW – it will be one construction period, although for the refurbishment, there is still discussion to be had with residents around a quicker but more disruptive programme or a less disruptive but slower programme. To re-emphasise, the Building Safety Regulations affect all existing blocks as Weston Court is +18 metres high and is connected to the rest of the south side blocks. Also, services infrastructure is also linked between southside existing homes and new build, so e.g. fire strategy, road network will be established across the whole estate.
CP – the last LBH Cabinet meeting considered an update on the KIngs Crescent scheme and asked if this could be circulated as it is a public document. NB timescales mentioned in it are now out of date. |
Mulalley and LBH to provide details when able
JM to circulate with presentation and minutes |
7.0 | Date of next meeting
Next meeting will be in March 2024, date to be proposed nearer the time. |
The meeting ended at 8.15 pm
Actions | By when | Who? |
Feedback from discussion with Highways on moving Green Lanes bus stop | Next RSG | LW |
Feedback from discussion with Highways on possibility of opening gate to enable access to Queens Drive from Green Lanes | Next RSG | LW |
Work on facilitating a Social Value steering group to start | Q1 of 2024 | Source |
Details of where design changes have been made and how cost optimisation has been achieved | Q4 of 2024? | Mulalley and LBH |
Report to November Cabinet on Kings Crescent regeneration to be circulated with Mulalley presentation slides | With minutes by 11/12/23 | JM |