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September Steering Group Meeting

September 3, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Minutes taken by John from Source Partnership. Resident surnames removed for web version.

Those Present: Cllr. Brian Bell  (BB) (Chair)

Cllr Claire Potter (CP)

Emley P (EP)

Peter S (PS)

Thomas D

Hana C

Alfred F


Peter A (PA)

Natalie C (NC)

Michael N (MN)

Peter D (PD)

Karsten H (KH)

Jill WM (JWM)

Late – Yannis V



In Attendance: John Morris (JM)

Ron Greenwood (RG)


Source Partnership (ITLA)

LB Hackney


1.0 Introductions and apologies Action



Apologies were received from Jo G, Nick J, Ewan S Andrew M, Bronwen T, and Carol Squires (Source).


2.0 Notes of previous meeting held 9 July 2019 and any Matters Arising not elsewhere on the agenda  



From 2.1 re Sainsbury’s vent. The noise report has been supplied. LBH Planning still chasing Sainsbury’s for a response. Objections have been received from some residents.





From 2.2 re ITLA re-procurement. Source were re-appointed and new contract started 20/8 for 2 years, which can be extended if necessary.






From 2.3 re Unit C. A successful bidder has been identified but contracts still not exchanged. Planning application for additional use will be determined by 27/9; no objections received so hopefully the decision can be delegated to officers. Once the lease is signed, the space will be fitted out and in use by end October.  RG hopes that the successful bidder will be able to present to the RSG on 9/10.


BB asked about a temporary licence that has been granted for an activity. RG reported that Hackney Showroom have been given a licence to use Unit C for rehearsals from 9/9 to early October but knew it had to be available for the Big Lunch on 28/9.



3.0 Phase 3 & 4 update  



Planning update

A total of 27 objections have been received, most from Wallington and Kimpton Courts and mostly concerning the scale of the proposed block opposite and the potential for ASB in the courtyards. RG confirmed the expectation that the application will be heard on 2nd October.





Construction procurement

LBH are currently preparing more detailed design information for tenderers to bid on and more time will be spent on evaluating their response. As a result, the sign off of the tender documentation is delayed by approx a month.  However, there will be scope to make up time if the negotiation period shrinks (period allowed for this has been quite generous).


LBH are going to carry out an exercise to photograph the current condition of all south side ground floor flat gardens; Karen Jelenje, who is working with RG as a new Project Officer is co-ordinating this with Source to take place on 19th and 23rd Sept.


RG acknowledged that progress is slow but it is felt to be better to allow more time now to detail the specification of works so that competitive and as accurate as possible costings can be obtained from bidding contractors in a very uncertain market.


PS commented on the delays and that residents are asking him about progress.  RG added that detailed questions about site management, dealing with noise, dust, parking, respite facilities etc. are all being developed. These will be of particular interest to the 3 or 4 residents who form the procurement panel.


CP asked if the original start on site timing of Oct/Nov 2020 could be achieved if time is made up. RG suggested this might be possible but it is unknown how much time will be needed for contract negotiations which may delay the process.


4.0 Phase 1 & 2 update  




Use of vacant area south of Murrain Road

RG circulated the T&Cs of use of the area by film crews. So far, £14,000 has been generated in fees for hiring out this space, £3,500 of which will be paid to the TRA and £3,500 will be available for Unit C to go towards running the new community facility.


RG reported that 2 written complaints were received about noise early in the morning from generators used by the film crews, so in the revised T&C’s, it is stipulated that ultra silent generators must be used and catering vehicles cannot access the site until 6.00 a.m. However, the later start has deterred some crews from using the site as they need to be up and running at 5.00 a.m. Consequently, there are no lettings in September at the moment. RG put to the RSG the option of reverting to allowing a 5.00 start in order to capitalise on what is a lucrative source of income for residents of the estate.


PA was in favour of this if it could be guaranteed that noise would be kept to a minimum. NC is a resident in Kimpton Court and she gets up early and hasn’t noticed undue noise. JW-M commented that residents can do a lot with £3,500.


CP asked if the portion of the funding that is earmarked for the new community facility has to be spent on anything specific. RG responded that it is just a condition that it has to be used towards running the facility.


PA asked if there is a market for this arrangement. RG – yes there is, as long as crews can access and start work at 5.00 a.m.


There was a consensus in the meeting that 5.00 starts should be permitted again. RG assured the meeting that the LBH Film Unit will keep track of activity and are very responsive to complaints and comments.

















RG reported that there are a few items still outstanding to individual homes. The main item that is still causing concern in common parts is the algae on areas of the courtyards. There was an inspection last week with LBH Regen Team and the architects. LBH have asked for a report from the brick manufacturers but also an independent analysis, to try to determine the cause. EP asked if cost of mitigating this will be a service charge item.  RG replied that it will not as long as it is a contractor’s liability. EP suggested roping off the affected areas, PA jet washing them. RG noted that a long term solution is needed. LBH are changing the product for the phase 3 & 4 spec. and these bricks are being tested now throughout the winter months.


Other defect items include:

i)      a tree needs replacing in the far west courtyard and this will be done later this year, just before the end of defects period in December. PA also noted a tree that has been broken outside the Sainsbury’s on Green Lanes/end of Murrain Rd.

ii)     door closers are being replaced at Chipping, Kimpton and Wallington.

iii)   KH reported that the fire/smoke vents are defective in Wallington. They were fixed at the end of July but the warning lights came on again. The issue is with the New Build Team but the problem hasn’t been permanently fixed yet.

iv)   EP raised the bike shed break ins. This was done by de-activating doors generally, so there is a general sense of lack of security. KH commented that it cannot be right if buildings are ‘secured by design’ that doors can be de-activated [easily]. NC noted that LBH have told all residents that bikes need to be stored in the bike sheds, not flats and so, in her view, LBH should take responsibility if they are saying where bikes can be stored and this area is not safe. RG will arrange for this issue to be taken up with Higgins as part of the defects monitoring meetings. Discussion with the New Build team will also take place.





































Open House, 21st September

Kings Crescent will be part of the annual Open House weekend on 21st between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Any residents are welcome to join a tour or be around to chat to visitors. A letter is going out to residents next week.


Also, on 25th Sept, the panel of judges for the Civic Trust Design Awards will be visiting and in another few weeks, representatives from LB Haringey’s Regen Team are also visiting. RG thanked residents for their patience and in some cases, hosting these and many other visits.


5.0 Source training for contractor procurement  



JM reported that Source still intend to hold sessions on contractor procurement but that with the delays to the procurement process, these are now likely to be October/November. These will be open to anyone but it is suggested that a small group actually take part in the contractor selection. Those who have put themselves forward are PA, PD, Ewan S and Jo G.


6.0 Residents Group update  



EP gave feedback on progress and activities.


i)      On Thursday, 5th Sept. a general meeting will vote on whether to become a TRA. EP noted that there are spaces still available to be on the committee, so anyone interested is welcome. NC asked how everyone can hear about meetings, activities etc. EP replied that the website (kingscrescent.org), facebook and e mails are kept updated with news.

ii)     On 28th Sept. the Res Group/ TRA is organising a Big Lunch. Food will be provided by people bringing a dish to share. It will be in and around Unit C, so will have easy access to the play street. There have been discussions with LBH Resident Participation Team about taking Casbeard St out of commission to enable it to be vehicle-free for the period of the event between 12.30 and 3.00. JW-M suggested policing it ourselves and CP added that a play street she was involved in also used local residents to keep the street free of traffic for a few hours. RG added that Hackney Showroom are offering tables and chairs for the afternoon.










7.0 Any urgent business



MN asked about details of the new scheme proposals. Agreed for JM to meet him to go through the drawings, plans etc.






PA raised the issue of the bollards on the new streets. There is one particular bollard that vans often get stuck on.  BB suggested LBH need to keep monitoring this.

8.0 Date of next meeting



Wednesday 9th October, 7.00.




The Meeting closed at 8.00 pm


Previous information:

This is a closed meeting for those who have applied to be part of the newly formed steering group. It is mandatory to have attended the steering group training provided by Source.

If you have already applied but haven’t been able to attend the training they have run so far but would still like to be part of the steering group please contact john@sourcepartnership.com or carol@sourcepartnership.com

If you are not part of the steering group you can always express any views directly to Carol and John or discuss with the KC residents committee who can feedback into the steering group kcresidentsgroup@outlook.com




Agenda item Lead
1 Introductions and Apologies


Cllr Bell (Chair)
2 Notes of previous meeting held 9th July 2019 and any matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda


Cllr Bell (Chair)
3 Phase 3 & 4 update, including planning and procurement


Ron (LBH)
4 Phase 1 & 2 update


Bronwen (LBH)
5 Source training for contractor procurement


John (Source)
6 Residents Group update


Emley (Residents  Group Chair)


7 Any urgent business


Cllr Bell (Chair)
8 Dates of next meeting


Cllr Bell (Chair)




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September 3, 2019
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:


Vince Murrrain Community Centre
N4 2GD + Google Map