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Kings Crescent Residents’ Group September meeting

September 5, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Minutes of the meeting (full names removed on public version but contact KCTRA if full version needed)


In Attendance: 25 residents

Emma Harrison (EH)

Annette Reid (AR)

Simon Ware (SH)

John Morris (JM)



LB Hackney Resident Participation

LB Hackney Housing Officer for KC

LB Hackney

Source Partnership (ITLA)


  Agenda Item Lead Action
1 Welcome and Introductions

Emley (current chair EP) opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Went around the room for all residents to introduce themselves. Hackney and Source representatives introduced themselves and their roles.

2 TRA Transition Emma H  
  Public vote to change from supported residents’ group to official Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) – minimum 15 votes to pass


EH explained that we need 15 people to vote to become a TRA:

EH confirmed that no-one wanted any additional information on what a TRA is.

The members were asked if they would approve the KCRG becoming a TRA?

Everyone voted in favour (21 residents present at the time) – a minimum of 15 were needed to vote. Motion passed to become a TRA.


  Approve constitution.

EH read out Code of Conduct as required (See end of Constitution document).

EP gave an introduction to the Constitution to reassure residents that it had been checked and edited by the current committee.

EH gave some further details as to the sections of the Constitution and highlighted the key sections.

There were no further questions form the members.

All in favour of constitution asked to vote – all voted to approve the constitution.

  Elect TRA committee (minimum 12)


First position is Chair:

Emley P is nominated for Chair by Patricia S, Jill WM seconds.

Emley confirms she is happy to take on position.

Sarah H is nominated for vice-chair by EP, seconded by Alice H

Emilie LG is nominated for Secretary by EP, seconded by Emma C

Alice is nominated for Treasurer by Emma C, seconded by Andrew M

All nominees agreed to take on the positions as nominated.


Other committee members:

Emma C

Andrew M

Patricia S

Jill  (JWM)

Sarah C

Phillip L

Jennifer F

Thomas D (TD)

Alfred F

Maire M (not present but emailed her interest in remaining on the committee)


Total 14 committee members comprised of 9 residents from the new blocks and 5 residents from the older blocks.


Panel member for TRA representatives: Jill WM

Emley agreed to be deputy panel member but happy for someone else to take over later if they want to


Key Contact for the group Emley P.

The residents group is now a TRA with a Committee.


Next step is to discuss the safeguarding policy.

It is understood by Hackney that we are just setting out and may not have everything in place but EH advises that we have a basic policy signed before moving forward. A draft safeguarding policy has been prepared.


Training is offered for safeguarding.


Safeguarding champion: Jennifer F can take named person as safeguarding champion and already has the relevant requirements (eg. DBS, safeguarding training & experience).

Emley P will be the second person to sign the safeguarding policy as also has DBS and previous Safeguarding training.

Passed with a majority.


  EP to ensure safeguarding certificates, DBS etc are seen and copy on file
  Discuss next steps:

1.      Need public liability insurance. Hackney will pay for this for the next year as bank account may not be set-up in time. The insurance would need to be in place before the party event.

2.      A bank account will need to be set-up


Emley has contacted Zurich for an initial quote and will follow-up. Hakcney will help with payment (specific grant available for this that is separate to community development fund).

Alice will look into bank account options and share with the TRA Committee.


  EP to contact insurers

AH to research bank account options

3 Brief feedback on events so far:    
  Family fun mornings (last Saturday of month)

EP gave a brief update on how family fun mornings have been going.

Jenn contributed a lot of equipment (thank you!).

Sainsbury’s have been donating snacks.

  Morning tea for gardeners

SH gave an update on gardening morning. Provisional plans to continue this after Easter

Sarah H/C  
  Seaside visit

EP gave an update on Seaside trip to Walton-on-the Naze in July. Open to options and suggestions for next years trip

  Updates since Service Charges meeting

EP gave an initial update on this. AH supplemented with a few extra details – in particular residents have been involved in reviewing the service charges which are about to be sent out. This shows a positive step forward though the draft charges were not without error.

Alice Alice and other committee members to work with Hackney to review service charges
4 Update on available community funding

(Hackney funding and income from film crew rent)


EP gave an update on Finances.

£2500 initial pot initially for the KCRG at the start of the year

£500 ‘big lunch’ funding

Spent: Only money spent so far has been on the coach trip (around £700).


Hackney have been renting out hoarded area for film crews and  the fee taken for this has been shared:

25% for new community centre, Ron and Bronwen’s team

25% of the rental price goes to the TRA

50% for Hackney

Rent: c.£3500 for TRA to date


Noise disturbance has been limited, slight issue originally but seems to have been resolved.

Crews need to come in at 5am and it was agreed at steering committee that this would continue.


£500 of costs funding available for running the TRA (eg. Printing). (initially documented as £600 in draft minutes but corrected by EH prior to publication)


EH confirmed that we would need to apply for funding for community events (eg. Christmas event, February party). Forms are on Hackney website. EH would provide additional support during the interim process of us setting up the TRA though it was stressed that we would need to start applying formally for council funding and Emma H will share the forms and rules around this.


Confirmed that the cash from the film crews has no time limit over where it needs to be spent.

It was highlighted that there are opportunities to use the cash we have currently to apply for matched funding grants.

Likely also that when the new developer is on site, there may be other money available to contribute to community events.



Other funding: “Estate walk around” budget which is to fix issues identified via the estate walkaround – though note this can end up being added to service charges



Emley/Emma H EH to send details of how to apply for the community funding

EP to coordinate event planning for upcoming events to ensure application done in time


AH to keep track of available funding

5 Upcoming Community Events:    
  ‘Big Lunch’ community street party 28 September

(Updates, ideas and planning)


£500 for big lunch, funding from Hackney.

Community big lunch will be on play street with community centre near unit C.

Play bus has been booked and parked near unit C.

Dimensions checked with play bus company and driver did a site visit to ensure they can get in and out of the estate.


We will be asking residents to bring a dish to share. TD suggested to have catering too as a back up, this was agreed. JWM will ask if Otantic can provide some catering for the event.


Emma C. suggested running an art event and will coordinate that.


JWM to ask two residents who belong to a steel band to see if they can come and play for an hour.


Total event time is planned for 12.30-3pm


Bring and take exchange event – ‘swap shop’ suggested by JWM. Emilie volunteered to help coordinate/arrange.


We cannot officially close the road as it is a private road. There is a plan to coordinate a polite notice to ask people not to use the road.

Emma C. suggested having a joint invitation/polite notice to not use the road. Emma H. confirmed that this is possible but the wording would need to be sent to her by Monday.


Will need insurance in place prior to event

Emley ELG to draft wording for invite/notice – to be with EH by Monday
  Christmas event early December


Tentative plan for the following, Alice and Sarah H will take a lead in organising though all welcome and if anyone else is keen to help organise, please let us know.

5-6pm children’s activities.

6-7:30pm: mulled ??? (wine/juice) with carols – if wine this will need to not come from Hackney funds.

7:30pm residents meeting

Alice AH and SH to plan event and apply for funding at least 6 weeks in advance
  February party – will be planned but details TBC later. To go on agenda for December meeting.


  Any other ideas?


Additional event:

Pumpkin carving/Autumn event – Sarah C agreed to coordinate – maybe Saturday 26th October.

It was suggested this would be combined with the Family Fun morning.



  SC and EP to plan event asap to apply for funding
6 Estate Issues Emley/Annette  
  Updates from steering group on new build planning, pigeons, courtyard, new community centre plans etc


Source Partnership are remaining our independent residents support organisation.

Planning Committee meeting is coming up soon and is open to the public, anyone can go, can apply for a slot to speak (c. 3 min).


Open house on the estate 21st September – guided tour offered to public. John from Source will confirm what the arrangements are.


There was a discussion about the CCTV cameras across the estate and also the break-in where several bikes were stolen.

A few of the key details:

·        Ron/Bronwen confirmed all CCTV cameras working though there may be an issue with how images are stored/reviewed.

·        28th June – housing officer and other staff members did a walk about on older blocks, as well as some newer blocks. This confirmed that some cameras had been sprayed over.

·        Weston court didn’t have CCTV, this has been now added.

·        Newer blocks, the CCTV cameras do work but there is potentially an issue with the centralised system. And also potentially an issue with there being a lack of resource at the council to view and assess images.

·        Bramfield court (exterior of block), new cameras were brought but sprayed over again within 24 hours. .

·        The other concern is that when bikes were stolen (after the door was released), all internal doors were also open to the public.

·        It was noted by a resident that the police closed the second bike theft case as there was no CCTV evidence. Several residents emphasised that we want Hackney to confirm why the CCTV camera footage was not able to be released to the Police? We pay for CCTV coverage and yet there have been more than one occasion where a crime has been committed and the Police could not access the CCTV footage from Hackney. Therefore, residents are seeking both confirmation that CCTV cameras are operational and an explanation as to why, in the event of the bike theft, was that footage not able to be shared with the Police.  Annette confirmed that she would find out why the local authority was not able to release the CCTV footage to the police.

·        Roy made a request to find out: Why all cameras have been removed from Datchworth?

Housing Officer (Annette) confirmed that she would find specific answers to the questions above and send the answers to the TRA.


It was suggested that at a later TRA meeting, we could invite Safer Neighbourhoods team. Or in fact, anyone from Hackney could be invited so we could invite someone from the CCTV team, head of cleaning, etc. etc.


Azalia Court, community hall, bi-monthly meeting Community Action Panel (CAP) meeting held by the policy. The CAP meeting dates will be shared with the  TRA. The two councillors will usually attend these meetings: Councillor Bell, Councillor Potter,


  AR to follow up on issues raised
  CCTV update – as above    
  Cladding certification


1.      Delays on the provision of a certificate which demonstrates that the cladding is suitable and meets post-Grenfel regulations.

2.      It seems likely that this is available though there are some questions remaining on whether it is the right format for some mortgage lenders.


  Any other estate concerns?


Bollard incidents – Ron at Hackney has been made aware of the number of people hitting the bollards.


Outstanding defects:

·        One door – Kimpton court – is broken. Ron is now aware, however, this has been a fault for sometime.

·        Algae/mould in the courtyard (Barley Court, Chipping court etc) – the council are aware that this is an issue but is an ongoing discussion between Hackney and Higgins as to who is responsible. No resolution in sight yet.



7 Any other business?


Who does what in council?

1.      New build team: Charmaine and John. New person replacing Evelena.

2.      Management of New build will move to Annette and her team, Housing management on 16th September. Works closely with Karl, Ron and  Bronwen.


They have a generic email address – neighbourhood@hackney.gov.uk

Andrea Scott – Area Manager


Simon Ware will move to a new role, the members passed on his thanks and best wishes for the future.


We formally thanked Roy for all his efforts for the residents committee in the past.


None other raised

8 Dates of next meetings (5th December & TBC)

2020 dates TBC

Day of the week may change from Thursdays to facilitate Councillor Potter being able to join.


  EP to check dates with Cllr Potter and AR
8 Social time

Several residents stayed on for a drink after



Previous post:

Come along to meet your neighbours, find out about fun activities coming up, make suggestions for events you would like to see on Kings Crescent, get involved etc.

There will also be a Hackney representative attending the meeting so you can discuss any issues you might be experiencing on the estate

We will be deciding at this meeting if we are wanting to transition into a ‘Tenants & Residents Association’ rather than the ‘supported residents group’ that we currently are meaning we are supported by Hackney’s resident participation team. Being a TRA will allow us a bit more independence and to have our own bank account and therefore apply for external funding, grants etc for any projects we want to do. We will also be receiving an income from the film crews using the hoarded area so we need a bank account for that!

We require a minimum of 15 residents to vote for us to become a TRA so please come along if you can to support the residents group and have a say in what happens on Kings Crescent.

If you would like to be involved or join the committee please email us to let us know what position you would like or to discuss what options are available: kcresidentsgroup@outlook.com

See full agenda below and minutes of the meeting will be posted here within a week of the meeting so you can always catch up with what happened if you can’t make it on the day.

  Agenda Item Suggested


1 Welcome and Introductions 5 mins Emley/Emma
2 TRA Transition 30 mins Emma H
  Public vote to change from supported residents’ group to official Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) – minimum 15 votes to pass
  Approve constitution
  Elect TRA committee (minimum 12)
  Discuss next steps
3 Brief feedback on events so far: 10 mins
  Family fun mornings (last Saturday of month) Emley
  Morning tea for gardeners Sarah H/C
  Seaside visit Patricia/Emley
  Updates since Service Charges meeting Alice
4 Update on available community funding

(Hackney funding and income from film crew rent)

5 mins Emley/Emma H
5 Upcoming Community Events: 20  mins
  ‘Big Lunch’ community street party 28 September

(Updates, ideas and planning)

  Christmas event early December Alice
  February party Emley
  Any other ideas?
6 Estate Issues 15 mins Emley/Annette
  Updates from steering group on new build planning, pigeons, courtyard, new community centre plans etc
  CCTV update
  Cladding certification
  Any other estate concerns?
7 Any other business? 5-10 mins
8 Dates of next meetings (5th December & TBC)
8 Social time

(Please bring your drink of choice. Soft drinks provided)

Remaining time
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September 5, 2019
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:
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Vince Murrrain Community Centre
N4 2GD + Google Map