Notes of Kings Crescent Steering Group Meeting held on 24th July 2018 in the Community Centre
In Attendance: | 12 residents
Cllr Brian Bell (BB) (Chair) Ron Greenwood (RG) Bronwen Thomas (BT) Carol Squires (CS) John Morris Menekse Sayitoglu |
LB Hackney LB Hackney Source Partnership (ITLA) Source Partnership (ITLA) Source Partnership (ITLA)
1.0 | Introductions and apologies | Action |
Apologies were received from: Cllr Clare Potter.
2.0 | Notes of previous meeting and matters arising | |
2.1 | The notes were agreed as accurate. | |
2.2 | Matters arising:
3.1 in previous minutes. BT reported that Higgins now off site but will return in September to start end of first year defects checks. Marketing suite (Unit B) handing back next week.
3.3 in previous minutes: commercial lettings. RG reported that Unit D (opp Costcutters) progressing; looking hopeful for letting as a barbers. Sainsburys targeting 1/11/18 opening in Unit A. Unit B lease being finalised with Hourglass (indy coffee shop). Senior management team in LBH looking this week to make a decision on commercial letting vs community use for Unit C.
3.0 | Update on Northside play street and traffic calming | |
3.1 | BT reported that speed humps will be created in the next 2 weeks. New boulders/bollards are being procured and should be fitted in the next 3 months; target date, end of October. New signage should also be in place by the Autumn. EC asked how many No Entry signs there will be; 4 in total one on each side of the road at each end of Murrain Rd. BT added that this should also make it easier to challenge drivers who drive onto the street. BB urged officers to progress this as quickly as possible. | |
4.0 | Update on phases 3 & 4 | |
4.1 | Initial feedback from design exhibition 23 July
RG reported that 84 people signed in; 48 from existing blocks, 31 from the new blocks and 5 from off the estate. On a small sample of the feedback forms, initial comments were varied between positive and negative on the new massing and height proposals, similarly mixed on the central square and there was a general welcome to the way the design has developed and that feedback from previous consultation has been taken on board.
KH indicated that there were still concerns. A resident did their own daylight study and suggested moving the 11 storey block further south to increase the amount of sunlight cast on Murrain Rd and the front elevations of the blocks facing it. This wasn’t exhibited in the new proposals. Further opposition to the current scheme is being organised.
EC asked why the illustrated options were restricted to just the outline planning scheme and the current version; no other options seem to have been considered. She also noted that it is difficult to interpret the drawings; could the proposals be presented as a video? RG stated that every resident was given the opportunity to have an accompanied tour of the exhibition and therefore for the daylight/sunlight exhibition board to be explained.
RG stated that many others have fed into these design proposals, including the planning team, a Design Review Panel and Client Design Panel.
JG welcomed the proposals for the refurbishment of the existing blocks but asked about likely leaseholder contributions. RG replied that costs are still being evaluated and a final decision on the extent of cost recovery will be made by the Mayor and Cabinet with a possible decision being made in approx. 9 months time. EP stated that everyone has been led to believe that there will be a cap of £10,000 on leaseholder contributions that will benefit the southside owners. PA endorsed the assumption that the cap promise applies to the whole scheme, not just phases 1 & 2. BB stated that a different financial assessment will be made for phases 3 & 4, so the cap will not necessarily apply (NB – post meeting note: BB confirmed by e mail that in fact he does believe the negotiated cap applies to the whole development).
The |
4.2 | Feedback from young people’s consultation
MUF organised this event early July to talk to young people about design ideas for the public realm. Mostly attended by pre-teens. It was noted there was a serious lack of feedback from teenagers and young people. Feedback from younger kids and parents generally positive. MUF’s analysis of the consultation is awaited.
5.0 | Social and community initiatives | |
5.1 | Kings Crescent Story
BT is working with Source intern to talk to people over the summer. Interest is gradually increasing, e.g. someone had photos of the demolitions of the tower blocks. |
5.2 | Community Facilities
Source are currently drafting a report for RG to demonstrate possible usage of Unit C as a community facility. This will support the case internally in LBH for the space being used for community activities and it will also inform discussions progressing with a possible tenant.
Source |
5.3 | Study visits
BT looking at another visit to look at high density new build as well as new community facilities. Bourne Estate in Clerkenwell a possible venue for a visit after the summer holiday period.
Source/LBH |
5.4 | Social events
Source summer social next Thursday, 2nd August, 5.00 to 8.30. This will give residents a further opportunity to look at and discuss the presentation boards.
Source |
6.0 | Supported Residents Group | |
6.1 | Website
DS is designing a website with two areas; one for interaction/chat, the other for information. DS has asked for assistance with the text for the second section. Target to be ready by the SRG AGM in September.
6.2 | Future meetings
AGM 13/9/18. Following the election of officers, there will be more frequent committee meetings. The next open meeting after the AGM will be in December.
7.0 | Any urgent business
7.1 | PS reported that the lift in Theobalds Court has been out of order now for 6 weeks. BB promised to chase the repair.
BB |
7.2 | RG asked if residents would want another exhibition for the landscape and refurb proposals in September, followed by the final exhibition for the new build proposals in October. This was the preference.
7.3 | Following questions about the feedback from Monday’s exhibition, RG agreed to have the analysis collated by 10th August for circulation.
8.0 | Dates of next meetings
26th Sept, 7.00 pm, 24th Oct, 7.00 pm 28th Nov, 7.00 pm
The Meeting closed at 7.55 pm