Following many conversations with Hackney and residents the following work is to be carried out imminently unless Hackney have recieved any feedback. The poster shown below has been in noticeboards around the estate for the past month:


The background to this is that children jump on the metal frames in the central allotment courtyard making a lot of noise for residents in surrounding blocks. These were supposed to provide a structure for a ‘fruit maze’, as designed by the landscape team when the new blocks were built, but this are is in the shade and there has not been anyone to prune the fruit bushes to create the shape. So although the fruit bushes grow a bit, they poke through the frame causing a trip hazard when children are jumping on them and there have been injuries sustained.

There have been various conversations about what to do but the cheapest and easiest solution was to just remove the frames and leave the bushes there. Plus add grass seed to the area.

There is also an artistic structure that looks a lot like a football goal, so is used as such, despite the rule that there should be no balls kicked around in the courtyards so close to people’s properties. Therefore Hackney will turn that into a bike parking area to discourage the use of it as a ‘goal’.

Also, the ‘teepee’ on the Play Street is being removed because the Health & Safetly inspectors RoSPA deemed it unsafe for children to play in. Plus it has been difficult to maintain and has sustained a lot of damage so is no longer a ‘teepee’ shape.

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