Invitation for Our Place in the Game

Maybe you like creating adventures
Or exploring the world around you…
Maybe you are a source of local knowledge
Or enjoy the company of those who do…

We are looking for 10 adult residents to help build a live performance game for the Kings Crescent Estate this Winter.

You don’t need any experience in performance / art – we want to work with people who have
connections to the local environment and are open to exploring these creatively with other
residents and us!

We are Hector (an artist based in Glasgow) and Niki (a researcher based at UCL).

Why are we doing this?
We want to create a live game that will take place across the estate that is free for anyone to
join and play. It will involve maps, exploring, props, costumes and much more.
Imagine you have a board game but all the information about the world and characters is yet
to be written – that’s what we want to develop with you.

What’s involved?
We’ll run a series of workshops to create the world and story behind the game. This might
involve walks around the estate, creating treasure hunts for each other, creative exercises
and good ol’ chit chat. There is no need to prepare anything for these workshops – just bring
your imagination and an open mind.

When and where?
Workshops will be 6.45 – 9pm every Thursday across November – 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, at
Hackney Showroom. Please ensure you can take part in all the workshops.

Tasty food will be provided 🙂

Each participant will be paid £50 per session – £200 in total for the four workshops.

The live performance game will be on Sunday 4th December – save the date!

Along with the live game we’ll make a short film and series of photographs from this day
which all participants will have access to. We will also make a zine (DIY publication) which
shows everything we develop along the way and this will be shared with the community. The
film will be exhibited at UCL’s Grant Museum of Zoology in February 2023.

If you’re interested in taking part, please email: and get in
touch if you have any questions or want to talk it through.

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