Local police meeting TONIGHT 6pm (online)

The next Ward Meeting in Brownswood, organised by our local Metropolitan Police team is being held (virtually), tonight (10 December) at 6pm.

This is an opportunity to hear about progress in dealing with crime in the Brownswood Ward, plus to provide input to setting priorities for the coming month (e.g. ASBO, burglary, domestic violence, drugs, prostitution, sexual harassment, theft, etc … )

If you wish to attend, but are not on the Met’s mailing list, please email them at

Use the header ‘BROWNSWOOD WARD MEETING 10 DEC – Invite & Login please’ and include your: Name, Address, Email and Contact numbers.

Police Report: Brownswood Ward Panel Meeting


10th June 2020 – 10th December 2020


Ward Priorities:

  • Keep focusing on Kings Crescent Estate
  • Reduce drug related activities and Anti-Social Behaviour around Wilberforce Road
  • Reduce drug related activities and Anti-Social Behaviour on Blackstock Road

The above was set from Police’s beliefs on what is needed on the ward alongside suggestions from those who sent in their concerns.

I would appreciate it if anyone can email us any suggestions for the next ward Priorities for now until the next panel meeting in 2021.

Crime Statistics

Brownswood Ward remains below average for both London and Hackney borough all crimes. Crimes were the lowest in April possibly due to the lockdown. Since May, stats are showing slight increase of crimes on Ward and generally on every borough. Statistics show that theft and handling stolen goods is the No1 crime, while Violence Against the Person follows.

Please visit www.met.police.uk/sd/stats-and-data/ for more in depth statistics information.


Brownswood officers assisted Stoke Newington, Springfield and Clissold wards with their own drug related warrants. Although this may be seen as an abstraction from Brownswood I must stress that drug related activities stretch all over the borough and therefore any operation can have a position effect on Brownswood Ward.

If anyone would like to report anything please email myself or if you would prefer report indirectly you can report via crime stoppers https://crimestoppers-uk.org/

Weapon sweeps

Throughout the summer and autumn there has been a bigger push on conducting weapon sweeps. We have seized multiple knives and other object which could be used as weapons which we believe has been strategically placed.

If anyone sees any knives or purposely sharp objects hidden anywhere please contact 101, similarly if you see anyone who you believe may be trying to conceal any items whether it’s in bushes, bin sheds, please contact us.

After dark patrols

During the past months, we have done multiple shifts during unsocial hours in order to tackle crime. We paid extra attention to Brownswood Road due to historical prostitution reports. These shifts resulted in stop and searches, community resolutions and multiple Anti-Social Behaviour warnings.

Kings Crescent Estate

Kings Crescent Estate used to be a hot spot for Anti-Social Behaviour activity and drug use.
We have been continuing to patrol the estate as often as we can, where we have conducted regular stop and searches where grounds exist.

Hackney Council’s ASB Team successfully obtained a Closure Order for Bramfield Court which has got extended when the Closure Order expired. Since the Closure Order, the number of reported ASB has drastically dropped down.


Colthurst Crescent


Colthurst Crescent saw a rise of ASB during the summer, people utilised play areas to smoke drugs and parked vehicles all around the estate, causing nuisance to local residents. This called for increase of patrols in the area to deter people to continue their conduct. It took time but officers saw a lessening number of people loitering around.  Because of the regular presence of officers, officers responded to multiple calls and incidents which are happened to break out whilst officers were patrolling Colthurst Crescent.


Wilberforce Road


Wilberforce Road stepped up as one of the ward’s priority crime hot spot due to constant drug activity mostly focused around the corner of Wilberforce Road/Seven Sisters Road, therefore officers focused on patrolling the area both in uniform and plain clothes.

Multiple stop and searches and “surprise visits” of officers lead to complete disappearance of troublemakers. Drugs been seized, arrests been made and the increased patrols at Wilberforce Road alighted possible points of interests for the police and Hackney Council.


Blackstock Road


Blackstock Road does not need to be introduced to residents. The road itself is hot spot for constant ASB and other offences. Police were paying extra attention to Blackstock Road and it will be priority not only for Brownswood officer but the whole Metropolitan Police Service.

Officers trying to show as much presence on Blackstock Road as possible, joint borough operations and several different police departments are currently working on the problems on Blackstock Road.  During a recent operation (Operation Continuum), large number of officers were deployed and swept through Blackstock Road, resulted in multiple stop and searches, ASB warnings and arrests. Drugs and large quantity of cash has been seized by officers.

Blackstock Road will remain one of the priority hot spot for the police.


December going to be dedicated by police to Blackstock road as a draft months of action, it will include high visibility patrols, crime prevention stall days and business engagement initiatives.


Operation Autumn nights

Operation Autumn nights is an MPS wide initiative to tackle robbery/violence and ASB across the Met as the nights draw in and annual festivities such as Halloween and Bonfire night increase the amount of people on the streets. Hackney sees an increase of robberies and ASB over this period. This operation lasted 1 month. Statistics are below for the borough of Hackney in Operation Autumn Nights:

Arrests/PCR – 13

PND’s – 4

Community Resolutions – 4

Stop & Searches – 64

ASB Warnings – 11

Dispersals Issued – 4

Weapon Sweeps – 74

Intelligence reports – 33

Recoveries weapons – 6


Operation Continuum

Over the last two weekends of November alongside our sister wards Clissold, Woodberry Down and Stoke Newington wards we carried out a series of days of action around Woodberry Down and Brownswood following a rise of ASB and gang activity

. Statistics below:

Arrests/PCR – 9

PND’s – 1

Community Resolutions – 6

Stop & Searches – 49

ASB Warnings – 10

Intelligence reports – 18

Recovered weapons – 4


We have been abstracted from our ward on many occasions. This includes being abstracted to support Response team strength due to shortage. We have also been used for Operation Autumn nights mentioned above. However please keep in mind that we were patrolling Brownswood Ward during the operation as well as the whole of Hackney.


If anyone hasn’t signed up to OWL yet I would recommend it! It is basically an online neighbourhood watch and a very easy way to communicate to all residents in your wards or just to specific locations, such as individual streets. It is also a quick way for letting residents know of any important information.  

It will take time to build up however it is the most secure online neighbourhood watch system where your details are only visible to Police and your Watch Co-ordinator (if there is one in your area).

We invite you and your neighbours to sign up to OWL today at the following address: 

Simply enter your Postcode, fill out your details on the screen, and submit. As soon as we receive your request we will put your details onto OWL within a few working days, and you will receive an email with your login and password.



Future Dates for Ward Panel Meetings

Date TBC however it will occur in early 2021. This will most likely occur via Microsoft teams.

If anyone has any questions or would like to speak to us in person please feel free to contact us. Preferably by email.

Ward telephone number: 07843291140
Email: CEMailbox.Brownswood@met.police.uk

Reporting crime online: https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/.

Reporting ASB online: https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/asb/asb/report-antisocial-behaviour/.

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