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Steering Group Sept 2021

September 22, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

This is a closed meeting for those who have applied to be part of the residents steering group. It is mandatory to have attended the steering group training provided by Source Partnership. The steering group comprises of residents from both the old and new blocks and provides resident input into the next stage of new build and refurbishment of Kings Crescent.

For further information on joining the ‘Resident Steering Group’ please email john@sourcepartnership.com or carol@sourcepartnership.com


Notes of Kings Crescent Steering Group Meeting

held on 22nd September 2021 via Google Meet


Those Present: Cllr. Brian Bell (BB) (Chair)

Cllr Clare Potter (CP)

3 residents:



(resident names removed in public version)

In Attendance: Ron Greenwood (RG)

William Owen (WO)

John Morris (JM)

LB Hackney

LB Hackney

Source Partnership (ITLA)


1.0 Introductions and apologies Action


Apologies were received from residents HC (who asked for her intention to step down from the RSG to be noted), KH, JWM, PA, AA, Carol Squires (Source)  


2.0 Peter Sim  


Councillor Bell and Councillor Potter shared some memories of Peter Sim who died on 23rd August. Peter was the longest standing RSG member and a tenacious advocate for Kings Crescent residents and for the progression of the estate’s improvement and redevelopment.  A minutes silence was observed.  
3.0 Notes of previous meeting held 27th July 2021 and any Matters Arising not elsewhere on the agenda  


The minutes from the last meeting were agreed as accurate. All matters arising to be discussed on the agenda.
4.0 Phase 3&4 update    


Contractor procurement update

RG reported that negotiations with the 2 bidding contractors are now complete but the deadline for submission of their Best & Final Offers has now been extended to 30th September. This is in response to the recent holiday period and the requirement for them to provide additional detailed information for LBH that was recently requested to establish a comprehensive Building Information Modelling system. This provides a detailed record of all components of new buildings once built. This is particularly important for setting in place a fire safety record. ES confirmed that this comprises 3D modelling and is now becoming standard across the industry.

RG stressed that although this means more delays, LBH are working to achieve the best quality scheme possible. Post Grenfell, there are more safety requirements to deal with. CP acknowledged the frustration this will undoubtedly cause for residents but it is important that the Council meets all these obligations.

RG reported that the programme is now aiming for a Cabinet approval for the successful tenderer on 6th December, with contract signing January 2022. There will be 3 – 6 months set up before start on site in Spring/early Summer 2022.






Southside leaseholders S20

RG reported that the Stage 2 Notices will now be sent out in January to avoid arriving with leaseholders just before Christmas.  They cannot be sent out before the Cabinet approval as the identity of the contractor has to be included as well as cost estimates, total costs broken down by block and component. The specification will also be available on request. There will be surgeries organised for individual owners to discuss personal circumstances and to get clarity on the Notice and payment options. These will be held approx. half way through the statutory 30 day consultation period.

EP raised the issue of the stress this has been causing leaseholders who have no way of planning for the future, not knowing when the 5year clawback of charges period will start. She asked that LBH seriously consider setting a start date for the 5 years now rather than leaving it as the practical completion date. This could be from now, contract signing date or start on site date. RG indicated that internally, this has been raised and a response to the project slippage is being considered. The S20 letter will contain information on any changes to the current arrangements. CP asked that her and Cllr Bell’s weight be added to the representations being made to senior management for this review.







Pre start on site engagement

RG noted an important piece of work will be around the fit out of the new community facility in DZ5N. The programming of the new build is not known but early decisions on how the space can be fitted out to match the community’s needs and aspirations will ensure it is fit for purpose when completed. The space, at 195 sq m is slightly smaller than the Vince Murrain centre and roughly the same as Unit C. There is a fit out budget. Some LBH officers are looking at options for the future management of the new centre and using Woodberry Down as an example of how social businesses can be involved.

RG would like a clear brief agreed with residents involved in the decision-making, via the RSG, TRA and Hackney Showroom. An example would be whether a commercial kitchen is required. Many at the Ladderswood visit in Enfield liked the size of the community centre there but felt that the size and facilities in the kitchen were unnecessary. However, EP pointed out that a kitchen similar in size to the one in Vince Murrain made it possible to run small cooking classes and to make simple hot meals, while the kitchen in the Hackney Showroom facility is not big enough or well enough equipped to do this.

CP – a commercial kitchen is more about the facilities and standard of the equipment rather than the size of the room.

There was discussion around the need for a business case for a particular approach to the CC fit out. However, there has been consultation through surveys on what residents would like to see in a community facility and EP added that through the activities now running at Unit C, the TRA are able to judge demand and interest from users that can inform decisions on the new space.

It was agreed to set up a Working Group to explore options and produce a brief. EP to canvass interest among residents to join this, RG to identify relevant Council officers to participate and JM to help facilitate.

Action – the Working Group to be constituted by the next RSG meeting on 17/11/21.




















5.0 Phase 1 & 2 update  


WO reported back.

·     Still waiting for Higgins to produce a programme for venting the lift mechanisms. As soon as this is available, a letter will be sent to all affected residents telling them when their lift will be taken out of service for the work to be carried out.

·     Work is still progressing on reconciling energy bills with use. A consultant has been commissioned to inspect the energy centre and they will use a monitoring system that individual residents can use to check their usage against what the energy centre is saying is produced. WO asked for volunteers to have a small piece of equipment fitted. This will produce anonymised data on energy usage. ES volunteered. EP also offered to ask other residents through the TRA facebook site. She also suggested targeting residents who have experienced problems with billing. WO agreed with this.

WO also reported that the relevant section of the LBH IT system is now able to process refunds and the new charges from April 2021 and an update will be available for the ETRA meeting on 12th Oct.

·     ES raised an issue with weeds in the Radwell courtyard and who is responsible for keeping this area tidy. WO is on site before the end of the week and will take photos.

·     There was discussion about responsibilities for the maintenance of the courtyards, play equipment and the plants, shrubs and fruit bushes. EP asked who to get permission from if the TRA wanted to remove the metal structures that were supposed to be the frames for a fruit maze in one of the courtyards. These are in the shade and haven’t grown. The metal frames are now just a hazard. WO stated that ultimately it is Housing Services who will give the go ahead. He added that he had seen emails between Annette Reid and Eray Taylor on this issue.

This discussion led to a wider one around a lack of clarity on how decisions are made to change designs and layouts and in some cases to remove items that were installed as part of the original development.

ES thought that the original designers should be consulted first before changes to their structures are made and are leaseholders paying for these alterations?


RG agreed that MUF should explain the rationale behind their design. It is important that design intent can be explained and lessons learnt when these are later contradicted by H&S considerations.

ES noted that this is a common tension but that if designers can justify their ideas, H&S should be satisfied.

It was agreed that MUF should be invited to an RSG meeting to talk through these issues.






















6.0 TRA update  


EP reported that the AGM took place on 15th Sept. There was a delay to starting the meeting while waiting for a quorum but this was achieved and a new committee was elected with EP still Chair.

Activities are now restarting with the homework club, Family Fun mornings and many other events being run by Hackney Showroom. It is proposed to make the Kings Feast a regular occasion, with the next one in December then again in March 2022.








7.0 ITLA update  
  There were no updates from Source.  
8.0 Any urgent business    
9.0 Date of next meeting  


17th November, 7.00.  
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September 22, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Source Partnership
john@sourcepartnership.com; carol@sourcepartnership.com
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