This is a closed meeting for those who have applied to be part of the residents steering group. It is mandatory to have attended the steering group training provided by Source Partnership. The steering group comprises of residents from both the old and new blocks and provides resident input into the next stage of new build and refurbishment of Kings Crescent.
For further information on joining the ‘Resident Steering Group’ please email or
In Attendance: | Cllr. Brian Bell (BB) (Chair)
Cllr Clare Potter (CP) Ron Greenwood (RG) William Owen (WO) Carol Squires (CS) John Morris (JM) Menekse Saitoglu 7 residents (members of RSG) |
LB Hackney
LB Hackney LB Hackney LB Hackney Source Partnership (ITLA) Source Partnership (ITLA) Source Partnership (ITLA)
1.0 | Introductions and apologies | Action |
1.1 |
Apologies were received from Hana Chambers, Natalie Crouchley (who is moving from Kings Crescent), Peter Sim and Alfred Fiorentini.
2.0 | Notes of previous meeting held 8th February 2021 and any Matters Arising not elsewhere on the agenda | |
2.1 |
The minutes from the last meeting were agreed as accurate. All matters arising to be discussed on agenda.
BB reminded members of the RSG that their role was to represent the whole community of Kings Crescent or at least their own block. It was not a forum for private or personal business to be raised.
3.0 | Phase 3 & 4 | |
3.1 |
Procurement update – RG
The three tenders have been submitted to an LBH moderation meeting and elements were assessed by a resident evaluation panel. LBH QS are now reviewing the commercial aspects of the bids and some contractual requirements. LBH are aiming for maximum risk to be borne by the contractor so there are cost implications to this approach. There is also a check going on with LBH Legal and Procurement teams to ensure that all requirements have been complied with.
The negotiation period will now start on 21/4/21 and last approx. 6 weeks, with a favoured contractor hopefully emerging late May. The internal approval process will start in June alongside the Stage 2 S20 notice which involves a 30 day period for representation back to the Council. Stage 3 and its 30 day notice period will start in August. Concurrently, work on preparing a cabinet report will be carried out with a likely Cabinet meeting to approve the awarding of the contract in September (subject to the S20 process). Contract mobilisation will run from approx. Oct 2021 to Jan 2022 with start on site predicted for late Jan next year.
RG recorded thanks to the Evaluation Panel for their contribution; LBH want to capture the best of all the qualitative sections of all 3 bids to persuade the successful contractor to adopt them.
JG asked if the negotiation period meant that all 3 bids were over budget. RG confirmed that this was the case and that LBH are looking for savings but not ones that will compromise fundamental design elements.
JG asked what happens if there is no agreement on price after the negotiation period. RG is confident that agreement will be reached and added that the bidders know the overall budget so know where they need to make savings if they want to be successful.
JG asked if any change of scope of the works will impact on the S20 liabilities of leaseholders. RG – yes and these will be reflected in the costings in the Stage 2 S20 notice. This stage of the process cannot take place until LBH know the costs from the successful contractor.
PD asked if Early Contractor Involvement will result in any change to detailed design. RG noted that contractors will be looking at supply chain savings, e.g on kitchen fittings or on consultancy costs (e.g. structural engineers). LBH will not allow an impact on the external appearance. Any savings on building standards will be on internal specifications.
KH asked if issues around costs might be addressed by adding more stories onto planned blocks. RG – definitely not. BB added that this would need a new planning application which isn’t feasible.
3.2 |
Resident Evaluation Panel feedback
JG went through the summary of the Panel’s impressions of all 3 bids. JM emphasised the closeness of the scores. JG highlighted some key elements of the 3 bids in the sections that the Panel considered. The summary document is attached to these minutes.
CP agreed with the conclusion on the best site for the respite facilities (behind Bramfield Court on the Queens Drive side) and commended the positive feedback from the Panel. BB and CP noted thanks to the Panel for their work on this.
KH emphasised the importance of the inclusion of daytime sleeping arrangements in the respite approach for shift and night workers.
PA noted that all 3 contractors gave comprehensive, good quality answers and that it was hard to distinguish between them.
Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS)
JWM gave an overview of the scheme based on her experience of working for Higgins on phase 1&2.
CCS is a voluntary scheme that aims to raise standards across the whole of the construction industry. It consists of 5 parts. Contractors should: 1. Care about appearance. Examples from Higgins included: wheel washing of all vehicles and regular washing down of the road, all hoarding were kept neat and tidy, non-construction employees had to wear a suit to look professional 2. Respect the community This was a big part of the RLO’s job; they managed the respite centre and it was important that everyone visiting the site was made to feel welcome and safe. The RLO was the first point of contact for complaints. The local economy was supported by providing local work as traffic marshalls and apprenticeships 3. Protect the environment This was everyone’s responsibility and of paramount importance. Jill did daily boundary walks with monitoring equipment to log noise levels. This will be of particular importance for Weston Court. Higgins also worked with allotment holders to help them encourage beneficial wildlife to their plots. 4. Care about safety All staff and visitors had to do a H&S induction before coming onto site, CCTV, well maintained fences, 24 hr security were all part of this. CCTV picked up an assault and this was of help to police dealing with the incident. 5. Value their workforce Higgins had monthly Employers Engagement Meetings where a rep from each sub-contractor met to raise issues, e.g. standard of site facilities, H&S problems. Personal development needs were also met – Jill went on training courses (e.g community dev. course with Newman Francis, First Aid), all employees and sub-contractors were provided with training to obtain CSCS cards and alerted when certificates were due for renewal.
There are also mascots and resources for going into local schools to raise awareness of site safety amongst younger children and for older students, a chance to ‘sell’ the industry as a potential career option.
The standards are monitored by twice yearly visits from CCS inspectors who allocate marks out of 9 for each part, with 5 more marks available for ‘above and beyond’ achievement. Contractors should aim to score at least 40 points.
RG added that in addition to these standards, LBH will have its own key performance indicators. The meeting’s thanks to Jill for this presentation was noted. |
4.0 | Unit C update | |
4.1 |
WO reported that a contractor has been selected to do the fit out. The timescale for the whole process of completing the work is extended by the requirement to get Building Control sign off once works are completed. A pre-contract meeting will determine likely start and finish dates. Approx. start in June? A more definite timeline should be available at the next RSG. |
5.0 | TRA update | |
5.1 |
EP reported that the TRA and Hackney Showroom have been busy planning for activities that can take place as soon as restrictions are further eased. LBH Community Development fund paid for a successful quiz night on 19/3, an activity book for primary pupils, both organised with Hackney Showroom. Future projects being planned include gardening (purchase of seeds, tools and the creation of new beds for community use), an art project and support for a local film maker who is creating a Black Lives Matter-themed film. EP also welcomed the new noticeboards on the estate. Meetings for the rest of 2021 are now in place and publicised.
6.0 | Update from ITLA | |
6.1 |
CS noted that Source’s involvement has continued to be minimal due to lockdown restrictions. A request has been made to open up the allotment area behind the Vince Murrain Centre; this could be unwise given the current condition of the area and the still unresolved issue of the open sewer pipe. CP asked if this area could be made safe so that residents can capitalise on one more growing season now. RG said that the issue with the sewer pipe has been noted and needs to be chased internally.
JM raised the continued inability to use the VM Community Centre. CS noted that it will be open for local elections in May, so Source will be pressing to be able to use it for meetings of 6 or less.
RG |
7.0 | Phase 1 & 2 | |
7.1 |
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)
WO asked if RSG members and neighbours could be encouraged to complete this. 10 have been completed on line; there may be others completed in hard copy and waiting in the LBH offices. WO will be calling all residents in the new blocks to chase for the surveys.
EP has reminded everyone on the TRA website and Whatsapp groups. KH to also add a reminder on the FB site.
KH |
8.0 | Any urgent business | |
8.1 |
RG informed the meeting that the CCTV to the bike stores is being installed next week.
8.2 |
KH asked about progress on resolving the problems with some of the northside blocks’ lifts. WO reported that a lift consultant had visited yesterday; their report should be available in approx. 4 weeks.
8.3 |
EP raised the continued long list of outstanding defects in the northside blocks which is taking up a lot of time at TRA meetings. RG reported that issues have been escalated to Head of Regen. and Head of Building Maintenance. There should be some tangible progress to report at the next TRA meeting on 15th April. EP noted that residents are getting very frustrated with the time this is taking to resolve, especially now that increased service charges bills have been sent out. Can RG help to get Leasehold Services Team to the next meeting on 15/4? RG said he would contact them.
RG |
9.0 | Date of next meeting | |
9.1 |
26th May 2021, 7.00 |
Previous information:
Meeting to be held on
Wednesday 31st March starting at 7.00pm
(via Google)
Agenda item | Lead | |
1 | Introductions and Apologies
Cllr Bell (Chair)
2 | Notes of previous meeting held 8th February 2021 and any matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda
Cllr Bell (Chair) |
3 | Phase 3 & 4
a) Update on progress with contractor procurement b) Feedback from resident evaluation panel c) Considerate Constructors Scheme
Ron (LBH)
Jill |
4 | Unit C update
Will (LBH) |
5 | TRA update
Emley (TRA Chair) |
ITLA update | Source |
7 | Phase 1 & 2
(a) Post occupancy survey (b) Outstanding issues
Will (LBH) Ron (LBH) |
8 | Any urgent business
Cllr Bell (Chair)
9 | Date of next meeting
Cllr Bell (Chair)