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September Steering Group Meeting

September 26, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


1. Introductions and Apologies

2. Notes of previous meeting held 24 July 2018 and any Matters Arising not elsewhere on the agenda

3. Update on phases 3 & 4

a. General update (Ron)
b. Public realm proposals – presentation from Liza Fior (MUF)

4. Update on Northside Play street and traffic calming

5. Social /Community Initiatives

a. Kings Crescent Story (Source – Natalie/Ranait)
b. Community Facilities/Unit C (Ron)
c. Study visit – Bourne Estate, Clerkenwell, 3rd Nov 2018 (Bronwen)
d. Social events – feedback on summer events and future events

6. Supported Residents Group

a. Website
b. Feedback from AGM held on 13 September

7. Any urgent business

8. Date of next meeting



In Attendance: Cllr Brian Bell (BB) (Chair)

7 residents

Ron Greenwood (RG)

Bronwen Thomas (BT)

Carol Squires  (CS)

John Morris (JM)

Menekse Sayitoglu (MS)

Liza Fior (LF)




LB Hackney

LB Hackney

Source Partnership (ITLA)

Source Partnership (ITLA)

Source Partnership (ITLA)

MUF Landscape Architects


1.0 Introductions and apologies Action
  Apologies were received from: Cllr Clare Potter, Karsten Hartmann, Emma Crouch


2.0 Notes of previous meeting and matters arising  
2.1 The notes were agreed as accurate.  
2.2 Matters arising:

4.1 in previous minutes. BB reinforced the post meeting note that was made regarding the leaseholder recharge cap. He emphasised that the negotiated cap that has been in place since 2011 should apply to the whole development.  RG added that a paper has gone to senior officers before being issued to the Mayor on the financial implications of this.


A matter arising from previous Partnership meetings is to note that new CCTV is being installed in Weston Court.






3.0 Update on phases 3 & 4  
3.1 General update (RG).

i)                    Work with LBH Highways Dept and on estate traffic, parking etc.


Further discussions on parking will take place in September. RG confirmed that any resident who currently has an estate parking permit will still be able to use it after the development is completed.  There are 47 parking spaces on the south side, 25 on north. Of the 47, 6 spaces will be for blue badge holders, spread evenly around the estate.  In addition there will be 2 car club spaces. LBH policy also means that 20% of the spaces will provide for electric vehicles.


Other issues being worked on include: cycle stores across the estate, how deliveries can be accommodated and how vehicles move in and out of the estate, how refuse is collected. In particular, further discussion with Highways is needed on reconciling need for a delivery bay outside the Green Lanes commercial units (A & B) and the plans for a cycle lane along Green Lanes.


BB felt that the electric vehicle provision was high; RG emphasised that this was policy and part of the ‘future proofing’ of the development.


PA asked why blue badge holders get so many dedicated parking spaces when they can already park anywhere (including on double yellow lines for a fixed period). RG replied that this in compliance with LBH and GLA policy and also responds to a number of residents at consultation events who complained that they cannot park close to home even with a disabled badge.  PA raised the issue of blue badges being displayed by drivers who should not have them. BB assured him that the council’s Audit Committee regularly receive details of action against blue badge fraud including prosecutions and revocations. He should report any such suspected cases.


ii) Design Team update


Architects are working on Stage 2 designs – internal layouts and refurb details being refined. There will be a delay while the financial impact of these are being considered by LBH. Stage 3 follows – preparation of the planning application.


ii)                  Programme


Next week’s consultation on Wednesday 3RD Oct concentrates on pubic realm proposals. Then November’s consultation will focus on refurbishment proposals. Final pre-planning exhibition is now scheduled for before Christmas with planning submission Jan 2019. SH asked when, on this schedule, work would start. RG – possibly around Feb 2020, though this will be dependent on a successful planning application which will allow for contractor procurement etc. to take place over summer 2019.


3.2 Public realm proposals presentation from Liza Fior (MUF)

LF gave a presentation that demonstrated the current proposals for the public realm in phases 3 and 4. The following comments/questions were made/asked:

·         DS thought there would be more of a sense of ownership created by the option of building walls on the Queens Drive corners.

·         With regard to the garden plots, LF wants to talk further to existing gardeners to fine tune the proposals. MS expressed a preference for plots in the central area; they would be safer, over looked. BB commented that these would have to be very well managed to avoid this area becoming an eyesore. It was noted that John Lonergan in the New Build Team is responsible for the current plots. At the moment, 2 growing seasons are guaranteed for plot holders. If plots are not used, they will be re-allocated to someone on the waiting list. LF pointed out that the garden areas will be the last element of the development to be completed, so there is time to determine demand.

·         PA asked why there wasn’t more ‘defensive planting’ instead of bare walls. LF gave an example of St Marks Church in Dalston where play equipment fencing has been covered in greenery. She added that paler bricks can work well and can deter graffiti.  SH would welcome more green to offset brickwork.

·         As part of architect’s Stage 3 work, the question of how to address the security of the central area is being discussed. Further details of proposals can be viewed and discussed at the consultation event on Wednesday afternoon, 3/10, 4.00 to 8.00 in the community centre.


4.0 Update on Northside play street and traffic calming

BT reported that additional signage and bollards are on order, should be in place by end of October. LBH sign makers are doing the No Entry signs. Materials still being decided for the barriers. With regard to scooters using pavements, the police and the ASB team need people to report instances straight away and, if possible, with reg. numbers. BB repeated the lesson, not to build a play street that looked like a road!


5.0 Social and community initiatives  
5.1 Kings Crescent Story

Ranait (Source intern) has been working on this over the last few weeks. She has gathered lots of information that will be collated and ready by the time of the next RSG. A final decision can be made on how this is all presented (Book? Film? Other medium?) early 2019 in time for the planning application.




5.2 Community Facilities

RG reported that a tender is currently out for social enterprises and community centre managers to express interest in running Unit C as a space for community activities for the KC estate and their own business. A 5 year lease is on offer in order to properly pilot an approach that could be adopted for the permanent centre.  End of October is deadline for expressions of interest.  DS asked when the facility might be available. RG replied that part of the tender is for businesses to propose a timescale for opening for activities. What will happen to this building (the current community centre)? If Unit C is up and running there could be a temporary use agreed while it is still here; could be another 1 to 1.5 years.  EP asked if residents will get a say; RG agreed that residents should certainly be involved in decisions around the use and management of the permanent centre.





5.3 Study visit to Bourne Estate

A visit to the Bourne Estate in Clerkenwell is proposed for Sat. 3rd November. A different architect was involved but Higgins were the building contractors. Also, we hope to visit the community space there.


The other commercial units were discussed:

·         BB asked for the sign saying ‘Unit B, Clissold Quarter’ to be changed. BT to contact the lessees or LBH commercial lettings.

·         Both Units A and D should be open and trading by early 2019.


PA asked about the current position on the proposed loading bay for Sainsbury’s. BT replied that LBH Highways now don’t want a bay so deliveries will have to unload on Green Lanes. Generally, loading bays are discouraged.










5.4 Social events

Source’s two events in August attracted 47 different people. This proved to be a good way for residents to become more familiar with the phase 3&4 proposals in a more informal environment.





6.0 Supported Residents Group  
6.1 Website and feedback from SRG meeting 13th Sept

The website designed by DS and with content written and collated by EP, was launched at the event. It has been welcomed and recognised as well designed and a valuable source of information and, in the future, interaction between residents.

JM fed back on the meeting that was planned to be an AGM; a decision on a Chair and committee was postponed as no one at the meeting was prepared to immediately take on any of the positions.


7.0 Any urgent business


7.1 PS asked about the phasing of the south side works. RG responded that the exact phasing and timings will emerge from discussions with the successful contractor. The contractor will be invited to RSG to discuss this and there will be a resident rep participating in the contractor selection. BB pointed out that it will be around a year and a half before these decisions will be made.




7.2 AF reported that a lift in Weston Court was out of action – details to be taken after the meeting.


7.3 PA asked if a green wall could be created on the end of Weston Court. LF will take this back to the landscape design team; it’s a v. expensive option but there is a successful example in Homerton. LF
8.0 Dates of next meetings


24th Oct, 7.00 pm

28th Nov, 7.00 pm




The Meeting closed at 8.25 pm

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September 26, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Vince Murrrain Community Centre
N4 2GD + Google Map