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March Residents Meeting

March 23, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This Tenants & Residents Association (TRA) meeting will be celebrating the community which already exists on Kings Crescent and looking for ways to develop this further.

It’s a chance for residents to discuss what events and activities we want to have here, meet your neighbours etc.


In attendance – 9 residents plus:

Molly Sharpe


Hackney Showroom

Chama Kapumpa Hackney Showroom
John Morris Source Partnership
Siovhan Crombie Hackney Council (Resident Participation)
Cllr Clare Potter Brownswood Ward Councillor
  Agenda Item


Action Owner
1 Welcome and Introductions

Minutes from the last meeting on 2/12/20 were approved (proposed by Emma and seconded by Sarah)

2 Residents Group (TRA) Committee Updates



General updates from Emley:

·        New noticeboards are now in place at end of Bramfield Ct and by the  Therfield Ct courtyard. The TRA also has use of existing LBH noticeboards on Theobalds Ct and Datchworth Ct. These will be available in addition to the Hackney Showroom window. Many thanks to Annette Reid for assisting with this.

·        The Homework Club was paused by the latest lockdown. Funds are still in the bank to pay for its resumption as soon as we can.

·        Emley has continued to attend Hackney CVS meetings to network with other voluntary groups, including Woodberry Down Wetlands.

·        Work on attracting further funding is ongoing.

·         Young Hackney are planning to run free sports activities on Kings Crescent during the Easter school holiday

3 Hackney Resident Participation Team update
  Siovhan reported that the restructure has finally been completed. She will be taking redundancy and leaves at the end of May. The new team should be in place by June with the staff complement including a Youth Co-ordinator and someone whose job it will be to oversee governance issues, e.g. concerning TRA constitutions, safeguarding etc.


Emley asked if a budget for 2021/2 has been confirmed for TRA funding. Siovhan indicated that there should be £3,000 available as for this year.


Emma wished to record thanks from everyone for Siovhan’s support since she has been the Resident Engagement contact.


4 Source Partnership Update
  John Morris reported that there has been little opportunity to engage directly with residents since the start of the current lockdown.


·        The main contract for phase 3&4 of the regeneration works is at the stage of negotiation with tenderers, following the submission of 3 bids. After internal approvals, cabinet approval and a period of mobilisation, works should finally start on site in January 2022.

·        Source, with LBH facilitated an evaluation panel of 6 steering group residents who reviewed some of the qualitative elements of the tenders – these were approaches to respite facilities during construction works, community engagement and communications with local residents and how complaints would be dealt with. The panel met on 16/2 and fed back views to LBH.

·        We remain available to support the TRA and Hackney Showroom with the Unit C refit proposals.


5 Hackney Showroom Update  
  Molly Sharpe and Chama Kapumpa introduced themselves. Molly is Producer/General Manager, Chama is Communications & Engagement Manager. While they have mainly been working from home, projects that have developed over the last few weeks are:

·        online quiz on Friday 19th March attracted 22 registrations and 18 attendees   and was hugely successful

·        the Megazine – an activity book for 5-11 yr olds. It is free and was designed by local artists. The print run was 500, 130 copies have been ordered by individuals and a further 160 have been earmarked for a local primary school. Copies can be ordered from the HS website.

These initiatives were part funded from LBH Community grant.


HS hope to start or restart the following activities over the coming months:

·        Futureheads in May. Some funding from this has been redirected to the establishment of a library to feature a range of multicultural books and resources. Chama is looking for volunteers to help run the library. He can be contacted at chama@hackneyshowroom.com.

·        Booking is open for Summer Futureheads in June

·        Young Actors training which has been held online but which HS hope to switch to face to face work soon.

·        Disco Loco – hope to restart in May

·        The Kings Feast – a street celebration with food for the Kings Crescent community

Molly asked about the possibility of being able to use the Vince Murrain Community Centre while the refit works to ‘Unit C’ is still awaited. Clare advised that it is unlikely to open in the near future as LBH are very cautious.

John to send Molly email address of Community Halls Team contact to enquire.

Source also to direct the Megazine to any families with KS1 kids they know.

·        Update on fit out of the HS space (Unit C): the appointment of the successful contractor is being finalised. Some costs have been reduced. BEH, the building firm have given an estimated timescale of 6 weeks to complete the work, which could be a bit unrealistic. A revised programme will be discussed at a pre contract meeting. Still waiting for a likely start on site date.


































John (Source)



6 Funding available  
  The TRA has secured funding from 2020/21 as follows:

·        £750 for Andrew’s art project. This was piloted online as a project around how elders’ stories can be re-interpreted by younger residents. They propose to revisit the younger participants to upscale their work over the summer.

·        £550 for the quiz night

·        £600 for gardening projects. Tom Sharp has led on proposals to use funding for communal tools, mini-greenhouse, soil and seeds and gardening events. 8 new plots are being discussed with LBH for community use and for individuals on the waiting list for a plot.  A letter is going out to all allotment holders to check who have plots no longer being used so these can be re allocated. Community gardening events can also be attended by those wanting to grow plants on their balcony or windowsill.

·        £500 towards Hackney Showroom MEGAzine

·        The £600 contribution to the BLM film project that was requested for this financial year was approved by Hackney but they asked for it to be funded from 2021/22 budget

The TRA should therefore be able to claim £2,400 from Hackney’s Community Development Fund for the 2021/22 financial year.


7 Open conversation
  ·        Clare noted that several residents have passed away in the last year from coronavirus and could we consider ways to acknowledge this and commemorate their memories? She will talk to Annette and Ron to see what might be appropriate/possible in terms of a physical memorial: bench or tree with plaque? Andrew suggested a cherry tree and/or bench could be planted/placed in the new central square.

·        Andrew raised the idea of English speakers being given the opportunity to learn some of a local community language, Turkish being the obvious candidate.

·        Molly told the meeting that HS are looking at an art project that creates events or installations on the roofs.

·        Emma’s Art Safari. Households sign up to create an animal on their balcony or at their flat window and then a safari is organised around the estate to find all the participating homes. A high quality ‘product’ designed and produced by local artists would enhance the chances of success. Emma to draft an outline of how it could be planned and  organised. Molly offered contacts with local artists.

·        Juliette offered her skills as a seamstress to help with art projects; she had participated in a project at art school that upcycled old garments into e.g. cocktail dresses that were then auctioned

·        Emley suggested a Christmas market that showcased all sorts of creative outputs. Local people could sell self-made products as gifts. Emma suggested this could be part of a summer street event. Are there any legal considerations for residents selling their own products at such an event? Molly offered HS as a resource to take this idea forward.

·        Molly will meet Emley to discuss street party/event suggestions so that coherent plans are formed. Clare suggested a calendar of events would be helpful.

·        There was discussion about the possible impact of the main development works on Murrain Rd; this should be an issue to raise with the successful contractors. Hoarding should not impinge on the use of Murrain Rd but this will need to be co-ordinated with the programme of works.

·        Andrew raised the issue of access to the courtyards; this is a management concern that needs to be resolved with Annette.

·        Emma made a plea that the refit works to the HS space are expedited.















Emley informed the meeting that the dates for the 2 types of TRA meetings for the rest of 2021 will be posted on the kingscrescent.org website.


9 Dates of next meetings & close

Next ETRA – (to discuss estate issues): 15th April

Next Community-focussed TRA meeting: 10th June

Previous information:

Let us know if you have any ideas!

This meeting will be held online via Zoom due to Covid-19 restrictions

Please email KingsCrescentN4@gmail.com to be sent the Zoom link to access the meeting



  • Updates from the committee
  • Discussion about community events on Kings Crescent
  • Updates from Hackney Showroom, Source Partnership and Hackney’s Resident Participation Team
  • Opportunity to share your ideas

Please note these community focused meetings take place in March, June, September and December. There are separate meetings to discuss estate related issues (with Hackney representatives attending) in January, April, July, October.


  Agenda Item Suggested


1 Welcome and Introductions

·        Approve minutes from December 2020 meeting

5 mins Emley
2 Residents Group (TRA) Committee Updates 5 mins TRA Committee
3 Hackney Resident Participation Team Update 5 mins Siovhan Crombie
4 Source Partnership Update 5 mins John Morris
  ·        Recent activity and latest plans for phases 3&4 development
5 Hackney Showroom Update 15 mins H.S
  ·        Introduction to new staff

·        Progress on building work to transform the space

·        Events and activities

6 Funding Available 10 mins Emley
  ·        Community Development Fund – update on 2020/21 funding and ideas for 2021/22

·        Other funding options

7 Open Conversation 35 mins Residents
  Opportunity for residents to share ideas and suggestions for community building activities and events on Kings Crescent.
8 Any other business

Dates of next meetings & close

10 mins Emley
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March 23, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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KC TRA Committee
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